Ukrainian Cultural Association of Ohio

Founded in 1983, our mission is to celebrate and raise awareness of Ukrainian culture, as well as fundraise to provide humanitarian aid to Ukraine

Dear Columbus Blue Jackets

We add our voice to many others who have expressed concern, frustration, disappointment, and outrage at the celebration of russian heritage at an upcoming Columbus Blue

Tourniquets and Medical Supplies Have Been Packed and Shipped to Dr. Panfilov in Ukraine

A valuable shipment of tourniquets and other medical supplies has been packed and shipped to Dr. Panfilov in Ukraine. We are extremely grateful to everyone who

UCAO shares artwork of Ukrainian children with Mayor Ginther, local civic leaders, and visiting officials

UCAO is incredibly proud to have shared the beautiful and heartbreaking artwork of Ukrainian children with our Mayor Andrew J Ginther, local civic leaders, and visiting

$5,860 Raised Thanks to Urgent Contributions

Dear supporters of Ukraine, We’re excited to announce that, thanks to your urgent contributions, we’ve raised $5,860. This amount is sufficient to buy and ship 234

9/15/2024 Picnic

More than 100 people attended our Fall Ukrainian picnic today. The food was extraordinary: from homemade varenyky, holubtsi, plov to delicious pies. The people were warm

Urgent Action Needed: Support Ukraine’s Defense!

Between $5.5 and $6.2 billion in crucial military aid allocated for Ukraine is at risk of expiring unused by September 30, 2024. This aid, authorized under

2024 Annual Report

Please see our Annual Report, available here.

Cultural Forces of Ukraine

FROM THE UKRAINIAN FRONTLINE WITH THANKS MUSIC TOUR OF GRATITUDE TO AMERICA Our community here in Columbus Ohio was very honored to host the Cultural Forces

Vote March 19th

United Ukrainian Organizations of Ohio (UUOhio)Representing Ukrainian Organizations in Ohio for 96 Years OHIO U.S. SENATE PRIMARYTUESDAY, MARCH 19, 2024 Dear Friends and Members of the

Ukrainian Children’s Choir

Мово рідна, слово рідне,Хто вас забуває,Той у грудях не серденько,А лиш камінь має.Як ту мову мож забути,Якою училаНас всіх ненька говорити,Ненька наша мила?У тій мові ми

Upcoming Events

📚 Ukrainian Book Club. Next Meeting February 22nd 4pm. Читаємо та обговорюємо твір Панаса Мирного «Повія» . Приєднуйтесь ! Адреса 966 South High Street. ... See MoreSee Less
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Дорогі українці!Всі хто хоче вивчити англійську мову або підтягнути свої навички в спілкуванні, для вас гарна новина! З 15 Лютого стартують безкоштовні ESL courses, які будуть проходити по Вівторках або Четвергах ввечері в Good Haus за адресою 966 S High street, Columbus Ohio 43206.Заняття будуть проходити з носієм англійської мови, у якої є великий досвід викладання. За освітою Kathy є вчителькою історії та вже декілька років викладає англійську і має натхнення підтримати українську громаду в вивченні англійської мови для кращої адаптації в країні.Заняття будуть проходити у неформальній, дружній атмосфері. Спілкування, а особливо спілкування з носіями мови, являється ключем до вивчення цієї мови! Так що маємо можливість приємно та з користю провести час разом. 15 Лютого о 1:30 pm буде перша ознайомча зустріч для визначення рівня вашої англійської мови та дискусія щодо кращого підходу донавчання. Приходьте всі, у кого рівень англійської “0” та вище! Кількість місць обмежена! Підтримуючи одинодного ми обовʼязково досягнемо успіху! Чекаємо на вас!Contact: 📧 - Яна ... See MoreSee Less
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Exciting summer camp opportunity for your child! Organization JewishColumbus is currently sponsoring summer camp applications for needs-based scholarships. One Happy Camper grants for first-time campers, and Russian/Ukrainian speaking camp scholarships (up to $500 off on top of our other scholarships) close in a couple of weeks. These summer camps are an amazing opportunity for kids to spend time outdoors in a wonderful community. Application deadline is February 14th! Link to application: free to contact Bridjet Mendyuk, Digital Marketing Manager at 614-216-6104 for more questions. ... See MoreSee Less
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Our Ukrainian Culinary Workshop was a success! Seven participants and three Ukrainian community volunteers made and enjoyed a delicious meal. Save the date ! April 5th 10am is when the next workshop will take place. Stay tuned for event link. ... See MoreSee Less
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On Friday, February 21, gather for Ukraine: Sheltering in Place, a reception featuring poetry, music, and poster presentations marking the third anniversary of Russia’s full-scale invasion of its neighboring sovereign nation, Ukraine. Ukraine: Sheltering in Place brings together Luisa Muradyan, Julia Kolchinsky and Olena Mladenova, all Ukrainian-born artists currently living in the U.S., with an exhibit by Olga Morozova and poster presentations from Global Arts + Humanities Discovery Theme (GAHDT) graduate students from the Armed Conflicts and Im/mobility: The Courage, Creativity, and Resilience of People Remaining in Conflict and Disaster Zones special grants initiative. The two-year Armed Conflicts and Im/mobility project explored conflict and disaster zones across the globe, but the impetus for it came in great part after the February 24, 2022, invasion of ... See MoreSee Less
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Ukrainian Cultural Association of Ohio