Допомога Бенефіціарам Гуманітарного Паролю
(«UHPA» за першими літерами англомовної назви)
Служба у Справах Біженців та Імміграції («CRIS», за першими літерами
англомовної назви)
Хто має право на членство в UHPA?
Будь-яка особа яка отримала статус «пароль», («UHP», за першими літерами англомовної назви), прибула 24 лютого 2022 року, або пізніше, та ще не отримує послуги від іншого агентства у справах біженців.
Що таке UHPA?
UHPA спрямована на надання допомоги особам в статусі «пароль» («UHP», за першими літерами англомовної назви). Надання послуг залежить від потреб кожної людини, але може включати:
- Допомога з поданням заявки на отримання дозволу на працевлаштування, соціального забезпечення, та державних пільг
- Допомога з направленням на медичне обстеження, та обстеження на туберкульоз після прибуття
- Допомога при зарахування до школи;
- Допомога з отримання інших послуг та скерування на інші соціальні програми.
**ПРИМІТКИ: UHPA не надає фінансову допомогу чи допомогу на житло.
Особи в статусі «пароль» також можуть мати право на участь в інших програмах
Щоб дізнатися більше про програму, будь ласка, звертайтесь:
Анна Романова-Xобан
Соціальний працівник програми UHPA
For those seeking or offering sponsorship under the
The Returned Peace Corps Volunteers (RPCV) of Ukraine is helping connect Ukrainians with potential U.S. sponsors to apply for humanitarian parole through the Uniting for Ukraine program (see below), with a focus on assisting Ukrainians that they know through their RPCV network (PCUA staff, counterparts, host families, etc.) but open to all. Ukrainians accepted through this program are permitted to enter the U.S. and remain for two years. An application must first be submitted by the U.S. sponsor in order for any Ukrainian to be considered. Therefore, the first important step is to help connect Ukrainians and interested U.S. sponsors. You can see more information about the program, including FAQs in Ukrainian and Russian, at Uniting for Ukraine Sponsorship (allianceforukraine.org).
- If you are interested in sponsoring, please fill out our sponsor interest form. We will use this to help match you with Ukrainians in need of a sponsor.
- If you are not able to be a sponsor, you can share this information with supporters in your community.
- If you have expertise or experience in navigating humanitarian parole and wish to provide guidance and information, email allianceforukraine@gmail.com.

“UnitIng for Ukraine” is a simplified program for Ukrainian citizens to obtain humanitarian parole in the United States. To be eligible for residency in the United States under this program, Ukrainians must be in Ukraine as of February 11, 2022, have a sponsor in the United States, complete vaccination and other health requirements, and pass the required biometrics, biographical, and safety checks. Under this program, Ukrainians will be entitled to enter the United States for up to two years with the right to submit documents for employment in the United States.
Starting April 25, 2022, individuals and legal entities in the United States can apply to the US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) for sponsorships for Ukrainian citizens displaced as a result of Russian aggression under the United for the UK program. rainbows to be posted on dhs website. Any U.S. citizen or individual legally residing in the U.S. territory, including representatives of non-governmental organizations, will be able to sponsor Ukrainians. Individuals and organizations wishing to sponsor Ukrainian citizens in the United States will be required to declare their financial support and undergo necessary screenings to protect against exploitation and abuse.
For more information about the program “Uniting for Ukraine” please follow the link: https://www.uscis.gov/humanitarian/uniting-for-ukraine.
Who can get humanitarian parole on the program “Uniting for Ukraine”?
Persons who:
–lived in Ukraine immediately before the full-scale invasion of Russia (until February 11, 2022) and were displaced as a result of the invasion;
–are citizens of Ukraine and have a valid Ukrainian passport (or is a child inserted in the passport of parents), or is the closest member of the family of a citizen of Ukraine;
–have a sponsor in the U.S. to file for their benefit a Declaration of Financial Aid (Form I-134), which will be verified and approved by the U.S., Citizenship and Immigration Service (next to USCIS);
–vaccination and other health requirements have been completed;
–biometric and security tests passed.
Note. To be eligible for this trial, children under the age of 18 must travel to the United States under the custody and care of their parents or legal guardians.
What are the stages of submitting documents under the “Let’s Unite for Ukraine”?
STEP 1: Financial support
Individuals participating in the “Uniting for Ukraine” program must have financial support in the United States. To initiate the process, a U.S. sponsor electronically submits a Declaration of Financial Aid (Form I-134) to USCIS through the myUSCIS online portal. U.S. federal authorities will then conduct a sponsorship review to protect against exploitation and abuse and to ensure the program beneficiary’s financial support can be received.
STEP 2. Providing biographical information through myUSCIS online portal
Once the sponsor shows sufficient financial support and is approved by the American side, the Ukrainian beneficiary will receive an email from USCIS on how to create an account with myUSCIS and instructions on how to follow. The Ukrainian beneficiary will have to confirm their bio information in “myuscis” and meet all requirements.
STEP 3: Comply with vaccination requirements
As part of confirming qualifying requirements in their myUSCIS account, persons who wish to obtain a permission to travel to the United States through the “Uniting for Ukraine” process must confirm previous vaccination against measles, polio In and COVID-19. If they have not been vaccinated previously, individuals will need to receive a first dose of required vaccines before they can be authorized to travel to the United States. All persons age two and older must undergo a tuberculosis medical screening, including a gamma interferon release (IGRA) test, within two weeks of arriving in the United States.
STEP 4: United States travel permit
Upon completing all requirements, Ukrainians will receive a notification on their myUSCIS account confirming whether they are eligible to enter the United States to obtain a humanitarian password. If approved, this permit is valid for 90 days. At the same time, Ukrainians have to personally handle the issue of air connection to the United States. Ukrainian citizens will be required to comply with other CDC travel requirements, including getting tested for COVID-19 before departure.
STEP 5: Obtain humanitarian password at the border checkpoint
Upon arrival at a U.S. border checkpoint, each person will be screened by the U.S. Customs and Border Service (CBP) and screened for a humanitarian password for up to two years. Please note that beginning April 25, Ukrainian citizens who intend to cross the land border into the United States without a valid visa or without prior permission to enter the United States through the “Uniting for Ukraine” program will be denied at the entrance and guided to apply through this program.
STEP 6: Approval of humanitarian password
In case of approval of a humanitarian password under this program, Ukrainians will receive a permit to enter the United States for up to two years and the right to submit documents for employment in the United States. Individuals will be able to apply for employment by submitting their work permit application (forms I-765) to USCIS. In addition to its new “Uniting for Ukraine” program, the United States is announcing a number of other measures aimed at expanding Ukrainian citizens’ access to existing legal entry routes into the U.S. The State Department will expand USRAP in Europe to provide eligible Ukrainians with greater access to the refugee resettlement process under the Lautenberg program, and expand redirect mechanisms for citizens of Ukraine and other persons fleeing Russia’s war against Ukraine under the USRAP refugee reception program. To this end, the United States is working with European partners, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and non-governmental organizations to identify particularly vulnerable categories of Ukrainian citizens and other persons needing displacement. These particularly vulnerable populations include women, children, elderly people with special needs, ethnic and religious minorities representatives, the LGBTQI+ community, individuals with disabilities, people with disabilities and individuals with disabilities would be without the citizenship. In addition, U.S. embassies and consulates in Europe are increasing non-immigration visa entries as much as possible and providing expedited entry and processing of visa applications for persons with humanitarian, medical or other needs under the usual circumstances.