Ukrainian Cultural Association of Ohio

Founded in 1983, our mission is to celebrate and raise awareness of Ukrainian culture, as well as fundraise to provide humanitarian aid to Ukraine


Every November, Ukrainians all over the world remember the Famine-Genocide we now call “Holodomor.”

ONE phone call!

You can help Ukraine with ONE phone call! Just pick up your phone and contact your US Congressional Representative today. You don’t need to be a


Please see our Annual Report, available here.

Tourniquets to Kremenets

Наші турнікети вже долетіли і скоро багато воїнів будуть мати їх в своїх аптечках. Нехай зберігають життя! Our tourniquets arrived and will soon find their way

Threat Intimidation Guide

Ukrainians have been targeted by hateful attacks, harassment and disinformation campaign.Please find attached a guide from FBI on how to respond when you are the target

A Narrative of Genocide

Ukraine Analysis #26 12/10/22 By Jeffrey Owens Dedicated to the Ukrainian Cultural Association of Ohio Tears welled up in Eugenia Mazurenko ‘s eyes from her seat

TONIGHT! 8 -9 PM A well known actor and professor advocate to vote in favor of Ukraine. Join Timothy Snyder and Liev Schreiber on a live stream to where they encourage to Get Out Vote for Ukraine The event is non-partisan. Link below ... See MoreSee Less
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Get Out the Vote for Ukraine!“We are three weeks from the US presidential election. What happens to American democracy bears on the future of Ukraine, just as Ukrainian efforts to preserve democracy have mattered to America. On a livestream tonight, 15 October, at 8:00 pm US Eastern time, with the great Liev Schreiber I will share my thoughts about all this and urge Americans to vote and to get out the vote.Although we take Ukrainian resistance for granted, it has been the major sign of democratic resilience in the 2020s. Ukrainian resistance makes our normality (or whatever this is) possible. Had Ukraine failed, the world would be a far darker place. Thanks to Ukrainians, who are handling a titanic crisis essentially on their own, Americans have been able to recover from economic collapse and a global pandemic, and hold an election.“Timothy Snyder ... See MoreSee Less
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Reminder about our varenyky workshop this weekend 👇 There is still time to register !Have you ever wondered how to make delicious Ukrainian dumplings? We've got you covered! Bring your own apron to a Ukrainian Dumpling Workshop led by home cooks from the Ukrainian Cultural Association of Ohio. Learn to make 3 types of dumplings and then enjoy a group lunch.$45 per person, all supplies are provided.Most importantly, all proceeds go towards humanitarian aid for Ukraine, so donations are also encouraged.Registration link can be found here, and through the link in the ... See MoreSee Less
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Please take 3 minutes to watch/share this video about the parallels of what happened before and during WWII and what is happening now with the rise of autocratic regimes (Russia, Iran and North Korea). Hindsight is always 20/20 but we should learn from history and act now. Ukraine is the fault line! ... See MoreSee Less
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check your inbox for our latest newsletter! ... See MoreSee Less
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Save the Date! Please join us on November 9th to make some varenyky, socialize, and give back to our community here in Columbus in collaboration with Heer to ServeLast year we had a wonderful time visiting, getting to know each other, and singing too!This is a deeply rewarding way to commemorate the terrible tragedy in our history, when our people were so cruelly starved. Let’s fill our hearts and souls as we fill the bellies of those in need. Please sign up!/showSignUp/30E0E4AA8A823A3FA7-52271116-ukrainians11-4pm Making Varenyky at Holy Spirit Catholic Church6-9pm Serving food at Heer Park***Просимо приєднатися до нас, щоб разом приготувати вареники для людей Коламбуса, підтримати тих, кому часом не має змоги зʼїсти домашньої їжі. Ми співпрацюємо з Heer to Serve, місцева благочинна організація. Ми проводили цей проєкт минулого року і маємо повно гарних спогадів.Це змога зустрітися в добрій компанії, познайомитися з новими людьми, провести цікаві бесіди і навіть поспівати. І, звичайно, пройти терапевтичний курс з ліплення вареників ☺️.З іншого боку, це прекрасна нагода збагатити свої серця і душі вшановуючи ті страшні роки Голодомору, коли мільйони українців були безжалісно і насильно заморені голодом, це нагода підтримати голодного і віддячити світу. ... See MoreSee Less
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Ukrainian Cultural Association of Ohio