Ukrainian Cultural Association of Ohio

Founded in 1983, our mission is to celebrate and raise awareness of Ukrainian culture, as well as fundraise to provide humanitarian aid to Ukraine

Vote March 19th

United Ukrainian Organizations of Ohio (UUOhio)Representing Ukrainian Organizations in Ohio for 96 Years OHIO U.S. SENATE PRIMARYTUESDAY, MARCH 19, 2024 Dear Friends and Members of the

Ukrainian Children’s Choir

Мово рідна, слово рідне,Хто вас забуває,Той у грудях не серденько,А лиш камінь має.Як ту мову мож забути,Якою училаНас всіх ненька говорити,Ненька наша мила?У тій мові ми


Learn how to make an intricately decorated egg known as Ukrainian “pysanky” – traditionally created to celebrate Easter or spring. Steeped in history and culture, discover


Every November, Ukrainians all over the world remember the Famine-Genocide we now call “Holodomor.”

ONE phone call!

You can help Ukraine with ONE phone call! Just pick up your phone and contact your US Congressional Representative today. You don’t need to be a


Please see our Annual Report, available here.

Tourniquets to Kremenets

Наші турнікети вже долетіли і скоро багато воїнів будуть мати їх в своїх аптечках. Нехай зберігають життя! Our tourniquets arrived and will soon find their way

Threat Intimidation Guide

Ukrainians have been targeted by hateful attacks, harassment and disinformation campaign.Please find attached a guide from FBI on how to respond when you are the target

A Narrative of Genocide

Ukraine Analysis #26 12/10/22 By Jeffrey Owens Dedicated to the Ukrainian Cultural Association of Ohio Tears welled up in Eugenia Mazurenko ‘s eyes from her seat

Thank you for your generous donations, dear supporters of Ukraine! Разом до перемоги! 🙌🏻 🇺🇦"КРЕМЕНЕЦЬ. АРМІЯ SOS !!!" Для звіту... 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦#Кременець_Армія_SOS!!! #Врятуй_Життя_Солдату!!!Вже вкотре отримали потужну допомогу від Українського Культурного Товариства в Огайо / Ukrainian Cultural Association of Ohio (Natalia Lebedin, Iryna Petrowsky та їх команди) 🇺🇸: 380 джгутів-турнікетів COMBAT APPLICATION TOURNIQUET (C-A-T), 360 оклюзійних наліпок HyFin Vent Compact Chest Seal Twin Pack, 280 атравматичних тактичних ножиць, 310 компресійних бинтів та ізраїльських бандажів для порятунку наших поранених Героїв на полі бою! 🇺🇦 💞Щиро вдячні за потужну та своєчасну підтримку та допомогу!ХТО, ЯК НЕ МИ!!! 🇺🇸 💞 🇺🇦Всі засоби тактичної медицини буде використано для комплектування індивідуальних тактичних аптечок для військових, а частина буде відправлена у військові підрозділи, евакобригади та стабілізаційні пункти в зону війни з моZковітами. 🇺🇦 💞ДЯКУЄМО ВСІМ ХТО З НАМИ ТА З УКРАЇНОЮ В СЕРЦІ!!! 🇺🇦 💞🇺🇸ДЯКУЄМО КОЖНОМУ ІЗ ВАС ЗА ВРЯТОВАНІ ЖИТТЯ ТА ТЕПЛО ВАШИХ СЕРДЕЦЬ!!! 💞🇺🇦 🇺🇸💳 Волонтерська картка: 4149 6293 5727 2921 (ПриватБанк, Віктор Панфілов). Не забувайте в призначенні платежу вказувати "БЛАГОДІЙНІ ПОЖЕРТВИ ДЛЯ ЗСУ"!!!📞 Контактний телефон: 067 77 92 748 ... See MoreSee Less
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The Columbus Museum of Art is presenting “Louise Nevelson: Dawn to Dusk,” a comprehensive exhibition featuring over fifty works that showcase the artist’s evolution from figurative paintings to her iconic abstract wood constructions, collages, and handcrafted jewelry. Originally organized by the Farnsworth Art Museum, this exhibition honors Nevelson’s legacy as a pioneering sculptor.Louise Nevelson (née Leah Berliawsky) fled Tsarist Russian pogroms in her native Ukraine to become one of the 20th century’s foremost sculptors of the Abstract Expressionist movement. Through her unique interpretation of cubism and surrealism, Nevelson transformed her experiences as a refugee and her appreciation for discarded materials from everyday life into groundbreaking sculptural environments, including the one still located in Nevelson Chapel. Her relationship with Pace Gallery helped elevate her work to international prominence, and following a major exhibition in 1985, she generously donated over 80 pieces to the Farnsworth Art Museum, which served as the foundation for this exhibition.The Columbus Museum of Art’s presentation highlights Nevelson’s connection to Columbus, where she frequently exhibited from 1965 to 1982. The exhibition will showcase her painted wood assemblages and works on paper from these exhibitions.Location: Columbus Museum of Art, Lower Level Walter Wing On View: March 7–August 24, 2025 Cost: Included with general ... See MoreSee Less
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Ukrainian folk group YAGÓDY brings their mesmerizing sound to North America for the first time this spring. The four women of YAGÓDY are on a mission to preserve their culture by both reviving and reinterpreting folk songs while donning traditional clothing and costumes like the ornately embroidered Vyshyvanka.April 3, 7-9PMFoundry Theater920 Corry St Yellow Springs, OH 45387 United StatesMore details here ... See MoreSee Less
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Transform Concern Into Powerful SupportIn times of global challenge, your heart has the power to create real change. This isn't just a practice - it's a bridge of human connection. Using scientifically-backed HeartMath techniques, you will:- Generate genuine, transformative compassion- Create a field of healing energy- Support Ukrainian resilience through focused intention- Experience personal emotional healingThe HeartMath® system is a set of evidence-based emotional self-regulation skills and tools that connect you with the power of your heart. All our emotions are important and useful to show us what we care about in life, but sometimes we get stuck in ones like shame, worry, anxiety, anger, or fear. By focusing on our heart, slowing down our breathing, and recalling or reliving regenerative emotions such as appreciation and care, with practice, we can learn to shift out of the draining emotions and experience more renewing ones. If you struggle with anxiety, depression, PTSD, addiction, or want more joy in your life, learning HeartMath® coherence tools and techniques could be helpful on your journey. No experience is needed.A collaborative initiative by Wellbeing Connection and The Fyera Foundation, united in compassion. The Fyera Foundation empowers individuals, organizations, and nations to beat stress by creating mental, emotional, physical, and team coherence. This leads to an experience of peace and fulfillment, with measurable improvements to health, performance, profitability, and quality of life. Learn more at Through DonationsAll donations received for this class will directly benefit the Ukrainian Cultural Association of Ohio. Your generosity helps provide essential support to Ukrainian communities and cultural preservation efforts.Wear Your SupportShow your solidarity with handcrafted Ukrainian Heart Bracelets. Each purchase directly supports Ukrainian relief efforts while giving you a beautiful daily reminder of your compassionate action.Purchase bracelets: ... See MoreSee Less
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WE STAND FOR AMERICAN VALUES!Thank you to everyone who attended our rally on Tuesday, March 4th.It was a positive rally, standing in solidarity with Ukraine, and showcasing how our American values align with Ukraine’s fight for freedom. We gathered together to highlight a few crucial points:1) STAND WITH UKRAINEThe Ukrainian community in Ohio stands firmly with President Zelensky and the people of Ukraine as they courageously defend themselves against Russian aggression.Ukraine’s fight is not just about its sovereignty—it’s about defending democracy, global security, and the fundamental right of nations to exist free from tyranny.2) THE ENEMY IS RUSSIA, NOT THE UNITED STATESRussia’s goal is to create division between Ukraine and the United States. We must not allow them to succeed.Ukraine’s enemy is Putin and his war machine—not the United States, not President Trump, and not any of Ukraine’s allies. We are not protesting the United States.We deeply appreciate the support the U.S. has provided and remain confident that the American people will continue to stand with Ukraine.3) WE PRAISE INTERNATIONAL SOLIDARITYUkraine’s allies, including the United States, have played a vital role in resisting Russian aggression, and we commend these efforts.Democracies must stay united—division only strengthens Putin’s cause.4) CALL FOR DECISIVE U.S. ACTION TOWARD PEACEWe urge the United States to take strong, decisive action to ensure that Ukraine has the military, economic, and diplomatic support it needs to win this war and secure a just peace.Ukrainian victory is essential for global stability—it will prevent future conflicts and send a clear message that aggression will not be tolerated.The U.S. has been a leader in supporting Ukraine, and we encourage continued bipartisan commitment to ensuring Ukraine’s success.(5) UKRAINE AS A STRATEGICPARTNERUkraine is not just fighting for survival -- it is a key partner in global security and economic stability.The agreement to share rare earth minerals with the U.S. is a testament to Ukraine'scommitment to strengthening its partnerships and building a secure future.A strong, sovereign Ukraine benefits the United States, Europe, and the entire free world.(6) COMMITMENT TO A JUST AND LASTING PEACEUkraine will prevail, but victory requires continued unity among its allies.We are confident that the American people will continue to stand with Ukraine.Our message is clear: We must not let Russia succeed in dividing us. Through unwavering solidarity and decisive action, Ukraine will win, and a just, lasting peace will be secured.We are very grateful to all the supporters of Ukraine and democracy!Ukrainians will never stop speaking the truth!Slava Ukrayini! ... See MoreSee Less
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While supplies last, stop in for a FREE pin to show your support of the people of Ukraine, ravaged by war 🇺🇦 Only at your Dee’s Hallmark Shop 🛍️ ... See MoreSee Less
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Ukrainian Cultural Association of Ohio