Ukrainian Cultural Association of Ohio

Founded in 1983, our mission is to celebrate and raise awareness of Ukrainian culture, as well as fundraise to provide humanitarian aid to Ukraine

We Stand With Ukraine!

We Stand With Ukraine! Yesterday’s rally brought together over 200 pro-Ukraine supporters from all over Ohio.

Call your senators and congresspeople

Here are two suggested templates from @americancoalitionforukraine: 1. Hi, my name is [NAME], my zip code is [ZIP CODE]. I’m shocked and angry that you haven’t

Dear Columbus Blue Jackets

We add our voice to many others who have expressed concern, frustration, disappointment, and outrage at the celebration of russian heritage at an upcoming Columbus Blue

Tourniquets and Medical Supplies Have Been Packed and Shipped to Dr. Panfilov in Ukraine

A valuable shipment of tourniquets and other medical supplies has been packed and shipped to Dr. Panfilov in Ukraine. We are extremely grateful to everyone who

UCAO shares artwork of Ukrainian children with Mayor Ginther, local civic leaders, and visiting officials

UCAO is incredibly proud to have shared the beautiful and heartbreaking artwork of Ukrainian children with our Mayor Andrew J Ginther, local civic leaders, and visiting

$5,860 Raised Thanks to Urgent Contributions

Dear supporters of Ukraine, We’re excited to announce that, thanks to your urgent contributions, we’ve raised $5,860. This amount is sufficient to buy and ship 234

9/15/2024 Picnic

More than 100 people attended our Fall Ukrainian picnic today. The food was extraordinary: from homemade varenyky, holubtsi, plov to delicious pies. The people were warm

Urgent Action Needed: Support Ukraine’s Defense!

Between $5.5 and $6.2 billion in crucial military aid allocated for Ukraine is at risk of expiring unused by September 30, 2024. This aid, authorized under

2024 Annual Report

Please see our Annual Report, available here.

Cultural Forces of Ukraine

FROM THE UKRAINIAN FRONTLINE WITH THANKS MUSIC TOUR OF GRATITUDE TO AMERICA Our community here in Columbus Ohio was very honored to host the Cultural Forces

Honoring Taras Shevchenko: Celebration of Poetry, Music, and ResilienceA heartfelt thank you to everyone who organized, participated in, and attended our cultural event dedicated to Taras Shevchenko. Your voices, your talents, and your presence made this event truly special. Shevchenko’s legacy is more than poetry—it is the heartbeat of a nation that refuses to be silenced.March belongs to Shevchenko, the poet who not only shaped Ukrainian literature but also gave our people a voice when others sought to erase it. His words, written nearly two centuries ago, resonate now more than ever. In times of war, his poetry reminds us who we are. He spoke of freedom, dignity, and the unbreakable spirit of Ukraine. His verses were a call to rise up, to fight for what is ours, and to never forget our roots.Today, as Ukraine defends its land and its identity, Shevchenko’s words are both a comfort and a battle cry. His dream of a free and sovereign Ukraine is the same dream we carry forward.Thank you for coming together to celebrate his legacy. Thank you for keeping his poetry alive. And most importantly, thank you for standing with Ukraine! “And glory, mountains blue, to you,In ageless ice encased!And glory, freedom’s knights, to you,Whom God will not forsake.Keep fighting—you are sure to win!God helps you in your fight!For fame and freedom march with you,And right is on your side!”🇺🇦 Вшанування Тараса Шевченка: Свято поезії, музики та незламностіЩиро дякуємо всім, хто організував, взяв участь і прийшов на наш концерт, присвячений Тарасові Шевченку. Ваші голоси, ваш талант і ваша присутність зробили цю подію справді особливою. Спадщина Шевченка — це не просто поезія, це серце нації, яку неможливо зламати.Березень належить Шевченкові — поетові, який не лише сформував українську літературу, а й дав нашому народові голос, коли його намагалися знищити. Його слова, написані майже два століття тому, сьогодні звучать ще потужніше. У часи війни його поезія нагадує нам, ким ми є. Він писав про свободу, гідність і незламний дух України. Його вірші — це заклик боротися, відстоювати своє і ніколи не забувати своє коріння.Сьогодні, коли Україна захищає свою землю та свою ідентичність, слова Шевченка є і розрадою, і бойовим кличем. Його мрія про вільну та незалежну Україну — це мрія, яку ми продовжуємо втілювати.Дякуємо, що зібралися разом, щоб вшанувати його спадщину. Дякуємо, що зберігаєте його поезію живою. І найголовніше — дякуємо, що стоїте пліч-о-пліч з Україною.«І вам слава, сині гори,Кригою окуті.І вам, лицарі великі,Богом не забуті. Борітеся — поборете!Вам Бог помагає!За вас правда, за вас славаІ воля святая!» ... See MoreSee Less
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🇺🇸 Understanding Recent Changes in U.S. Immigration Policy Обговорення змін в імміграційній політиці США🗣 A Conversation with Immigration Experts💡 Розмова з імміграційними експертами📅 Date: Sunday, March 23, 2025⏰ Time: 1:30 PM 📍 Zoom link: 🔗’t miss this insightful discussion on the latest updates in U.S. immigration policy! Stay informed and ask your questions live.#ImmigrationPolicy #USImmigration #ImmigrationExperts #StayInformed #ImmigrationTalk ... See MoreSee Less
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The Ukrainian Society at the Ohio State University Presents:Ancient Church IconographyTuesday, March 25th at 7:00PMBuilding 248 - Enarson ClassroomDelve into the mysteries and art of ancient Church Iconography.Join us for a captivating showcase and overview of Ancient Ukrainian Iconography with Master Artist Daria Hulak Kulchytsky. Delve into the meaning, ritual, and inspiration of these religious works. Ms. Kulchytsky is the premiere authority on these ancient works. Her works are exhibited throughout the world and held in various museums and presidential collections. Ms. Kulchytsky uses the 1000-year-old methodology to bring history to life in the multitude of icons and churches she has painted. ... See MoreSee Less
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Dear Supporters of Ukraine,We’re thrilled to share that thanks to your incredible generosity, we have completed our February fundraiser, raising $9,330—enough to purchase and ship 373 tourniquets to Ukrainian defenders. Your support means the world to us, and we are deeply grateful for your kindness and commitment.Every contribution saves lives and sends a powerful message of solidarity and hope. Together, we are making a real difference! ... See MoreSee Less
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Ukrainian Cultural Association of Ohio