
November 7th-11th: “Babusia’s Blanket” Sonia Lebedin recounted a personal story of the Holodomor as experienced by her mother, a Holodomor survivor. She shared her story virtually with a history class […]
Sunday, November 20, 12-3pm The Kitchen 231 E Livingston Avenue, Columbus, Ohio $65 - all proceeds to Ukraine RSVP & questions:
November 4th 10:30am-2pm SERVING VARENYKY We are so excited for this opportunity to get together, make varenyky, feed the hungry, and show Ukrainians giving back to their community. Ми дуже раді що маєм цю нагоду зібратися разом, приготовити вареники, нагодувати голодних людей і показати що українці шанують і помогають своїй громаді.
November 2nd 6pm-10pm VARENYKY PREPARATION We are so excited for this opportunity to get together, make varenyky, feed the hungry, and show Ukrainians giving back to their community. Ми дуже раді що маєм цю нагоду зібратися разом, приготовити вареники, нагодувати голодних людей і показати що українці шанують і помогають своїй громаді.
October 19, 2022 12:30PM - 1:30PM Join the Center for Slavic, East European and Eurasian Studies (CSEEES) for our second Ukraine Wednesdays lecture series. This lecture series began in spring 2022 in order to help OSU students, faculty, staff, and the general public better understand the war in Ukraine and Ukrainian heritage, history, and culture. Please check our event page for a full listing of all events.
Thursday, October 13, 2022  @6:00 PM Fashion Week Columbus 2022 Presented by EASTON Fashion Week Columbus celebrity headline designer Natalia Fedner shares her story in a candid conversation at Philanthropy […]
Sunday, November 13 from 12:30pm-3:30pm Ukrainian Culinary Workshop — Borsch (A UNESCO-recognized endangered Ukrainian heritage dish) Linworth United Methodist Church Columbus Register by email at Payment via any donation […]
Lviv National Philharmonic Orchestra Swasey Chapel, Denison University Granville, Ohio Direct from Ukraine, the Lviv National Philharmonic Orchestra of Ukraine, on an international tour that brings them to the Kennedy […]
Ukrainian Cultural Association of Ohio