Call your senators and congresspeople

Here are two suggested templates from @americancoalitionforukraine:

1. Hi, my name is [NAME], my zip code is [ZIP CODE]. I’m shocked and angry that you haven’t yet spoken out against Trump’s remarks against Ukraine. It’s unconscionable that you would stand by while he disparages the Ukrainian people defending themselves against a brutal invasion. I’ll make sure my friends know of your silence and never vote for you ever again.

2. Hi, my name is [NAME], my zip code is [ZIP CODE]. I am extremely disappointed by the direction I’m seeing from this administration. America is on course to making its most disastrous strategic mistake since the Iraq War. China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea have formed a powerful alliance and are coming for America and its allies. These four dictatorships are working together to cause chaos in Ukraine, Israel, and much of the rest of the world. Now more than ever, America needs to unite and lead its allies, rather than alienating them and creating an even more powerful anti-American alliance.


Ukrainian Cultural Association of Ohio