Benefit Concert for Ukraine – 10-02-2022
We are so grateful to have been able to organize a benefit concert in support of Ukraine that was made possible by Linworth United Methodist Church, From Ohio with Love. So thankful to Stephanie Dee for her amazing voice and talent in putting this all together. Most of the performers, including children, are English speakers and they learned the lyrics to our beautiful Ukrainian songs. This is how Ukraine will overcome this horrible hour of darkness. Listen to these amazing songs and please donate to the Ukrainian cause.
It’s still possible to donate through this link: Your donations will support the first aid kits that will be hand-delivered by Benya Stewart and Brother Hill later this month, as well as internally displaced Ukrainians via UMCOR (United Methodist Committee on Relief) Наша українська громада в Колумбусі разом з американською церквою і групою-дуетом Від Огайо з Любов‘ю організували дуже гарний концерт в підтримку України. Боже Великий Єдиний – найвеличніша молитва за Україну – більшість співаків не говорять по-українськи, але заспівали пречудово. А діточки з Червоною Калиною! Ангельські співи! І весь той позитив просто до нашої рідної землі і її захисників. А ще багато грошових пожертв на допомогу Україні. Дякуємо нашим американським друзям!!! Link to view concert: (the Ukrainian Cultural Association of Ohio) is doing everything we can to help raise awareness of Ukraine as well as fundraise for humanitarian aid. We are a small dedicated group that was founded in 1983. UCAO‘s mission is to fundraise and provide humanitarian aid to Ukraine, as well as celebrate and raise awareness of Ukrainian culture.
From Ohio with Love has been raising finds to supply IFAKS to the front lines of the Ukraine war. IFAKS are individual first-aid kits for bleeding control and major wound treatment. Tactical IFAKS include tourniquets, chest seals, combat gauze, and other hemostatic agents. The kits are one-time use, so they must be replenished constantly. A portion of the funds will go to From Ohio with Love and a portion of the donations will go to UMCOR (United Methodist Church Committee on Relief) efforts in Ukraine helping internally displaced refugees.
IFAKS CAMPAIGN UPDATE: UCAO sends Razom for Ukraine $5000 for Individual First Aid Kits.
We are officially concluding the IFAKs fundraising campaign with a large donation to Razom, please see more information here:…/
We wish it could have been more, but this summer Ukraine was overshadowed in the media by other stories, and it became difficult to keep the momentum. Nevertheless, UCAO worked to promote Ukraine by hosting cultural workshops to raise money (varenyky and pysanky!), selling merchandise, and talking about Ukraine at every chance.Thank you to everyone who has donated money, who has helped with various UCAO fundraisers, and who continues to keep people talking about what is happening in Ukraine.
UCAO Picnic – Alum Creek – 9-17-2022
Many thanks to everyone who made yesterday’s Ukrainian picnic possible.
Щиро вдячні всім за чудовий український пікнік!
It was exciting to meet so many new people. Our hope is that you felt welcomed and our next event will be even bigger. Especially, welcome to our newest arrivals from Ukraine. We are your Small Ukraine for now.
We shared delicious foods, many of them true Ukrainian dishes like borshch, pyrizhky with fried cabbage, chebureky (Crimean!), sharlotka (apple pie Ukrainian way), homemade pickles and kovbasa from the Ukrainian butcher in Parma, OH. Yum!
Special thanks to an amazing Ukrainian artist Olesya Vakulenko for sharing her amazing designs with us. The shirts with her designs were a true hit! 100% of the proceeds go to Ukraine’s humanitarian needs.
Above all, this is about our brave Ukrainian Army and people. Slava Ukraini! Slava Ukrainian Armed Forces! Ukraine Will Win!
Subscribe to our newsletter and updates. Stay tuned!
Приємно бачити так багато нових людей. Надіємося, що ви відчули теплу гостинність і наші наступні події будуть ще більшими. Особливо раді знайомству з щойно прибулими. Ми зараз ваша Мала Україна.
Було повно смачної їжі, а особливо захоплені справжнім українськими стравами: борщ, пиріжки з капустою, кримські чебуреки, шарлотка, квашені огірки і ковбаса від м’ясника з Парми.
Особлива подяка талановитій українській художниці Олесі Вакуленко, що поділилася з нами своїми дизайнами для футболок. Це був справжній хіт і багато з вас пішли додому з авторською українською обновкою. 100% прибутку на гуманітарні потреби України.
Найважливіше, чого ми зібралися вчора, це щоб підтримати нашу звитяжну і славну українську армію і людей! Слава Україні! Слава ЗСУ! Україна Переможе!
Підписуйтесь на наші розсилки! Слідкуйте за нашими новинами!
UCAO – Parma 8-27-2022
UCAO – Pysanky Workshop – 8-30-2022