Наші турнікети вже долетіли і скоро багато воїнів будуть мати їх в своїх аптечках. Нехай зберігають життя!
Our tourniquets arrived and will soon find their way into medic kits. May they save many lives!
UCAO has been raising money to purchase and send tourniquets. This is our second parcel to date to arrive in Ukraine, we hope to send many more, including other medical supplies as well. These supplies are not readily available in Ukraine right now, but we are able to source and purchase these supplies here in the US easily.
Please follow us on Facebook and Instagram for regular updates, and check out the tireless work of our partner Dr Viktor Panfilov in Ukraine.
Our tourniquets are being transported to Bakhmut, where there has been a prolonged battle with much suffering and many losses.
Ukraine is bleeding for her freedom.
Our deepest gratitude to our generous donors. These donations help us purchase medical supplies that save the lives of the brave defenders.