
On February 24, 2022, russia rolled its tanks into Ukraine and began a totally unjustified war claiming Ukraine did not have a right to exist and was an integral part of russia. The first round of this war began in 2014, following the historic events on the Maidan in Kyiv. After the annexation of Crimea and “separatist” disruptions in Donetsk and Luhansk, we started the Ukrainian Relief Initiative and began raising monetary and goods donations for Ukraine, joining similar grass-roots operations all over the United States and Europe. We are now in a new and much larger worldwide effort to help the people and armed forces of Ukraine.

At this critical time, we are dedicated to providing aid in whatever form is needed. Over the years we have dealt only with groups who are vetted and part of a network of volunteers across Ukraine. There is no waste and virtually no administrative overhead common in large institutions in the groups we support. We have confidence in our liaisons. Since 2018, we have been supporting Revived Soldiers Ukraine, a non-profit organization that has been caring for soldiers wounded or maimed in the Donbas conflict. They have now directed their efforts to the most pressing medical and tactical needs of the war in Ukraine.

Recent Fundraisers

Campaign for Revived Soldiers Ukraine: $11,000

First Presbyterian Church, Washington Courthouse, fundraising dinner with pysanka and Ukrainian cultural presentation by Marta Mudri and Nina Karnaukh (3-27-2022): $500 for Revived Soldiers Ukraine, $3,000 for humanitarian aid

Ohio University, Athen, International Street Fair with pysanka and bandura demonstrations by Natalia Lebedin (4-9-2022): $225 for Save the Children–Ukraine

Olentangy Berlin High School Annual Art Show, with cupcake sales by Mark and Daniel Petrowsky (4-10-2022): $1,162

Ukrainian Cultural Association of Ohio