
  Просимо приєднатися до нас, щоб разом приготувати вареники для людей Коламбуса, підтримати тих, кому часом не має змоги зʼїсти домашньої їжі. Ми співпрацюємо з Heer to Serve, місцева благочинна […]
Beck HOME Series: Poet Julia Kolchinsky Dasbach at Denison University The Beck Series welcomes poet Julia Kolchinsky Dasbach. Dasbach came to the United States as a Jewish refugee in 1993, […]
You can help Ukraine with ONE phone call! Just pick up your phone and contact your US Congressional Representative today. You don’t need to be a voter, and you don’t […]
  Please join us to listen to Retired US Army Brigadier General Mark Arnold present his experiences in Ukraine, and his project Frontline Medical Ukraine. UCAO is honored to support […]
Join us Saturday, October 14th at 1pm for a screening of the film “20 Days in Mariupol” at the Gateway Film Center. Personally connected to the city of Mariupol, Olena […]
  POSTPONED Uncertainty surrounding the potential lapse in appropriations and the potential for a government shutdown has created obstacles for moving forward. The meeting with USAID is postponed.
An Invitation from Fr. Robert Jager, Pastor of St. John Chrysostom Church On Friday, Sept. 29, 2023, we will be celebrating our Byzantine heritage by offering a Holy Liturgy in […]
UCAO is grateful to Denison University for helping us begin our 90 year Anniversary Commemoration of Holodomor this November with a film screening of Mr Jones, one of our favorite […]
Join the Center for Slavic, East European and Eurasian Studies for a screening of The Guide (2014) as part of the Stand With Ukraine Through Film Initiative. Professor Marianna Klochko (Sociology, Ohio State Marion) […]
Ukrainian Cultural Association of Ohio