You can help Ukraine with ONE phone call!
Just pick up your phone and contact your US Congressional Representative today.
You don’t need to be a voter, and you don’t need to be an American citizen. Your US Congressional Representative represents everyone in their district regardless of their citizenship status.
Who is my US Congressional Representative?
Go to Representatives | and enter your zip code. This will give you their name and their Washington DC office phone number. You can also go to their website to get a local office phone number.

I have never talked with a Congress person before. What is it like?
- When you call, you may get voicemail to leave a message, or a staff member may answer who can convey your message to your Representative. Most of the time you won’t be able to speak with the Representative. That is ok! It is important for you to let them know where you stand and what you want them to do on your behalf.
- Be courteous and follow these suggestions:
- Introduce yourself and let them know that you are a constituent. Let them know that you support Ukraine.
- If they currently support Ukraine, thank them for their support. If they are currently anti-Ukraine let them know that you expect them to change their vote to support Ukraine.
- There is a new aid package for Ukraine that will be proposed in the House soon. Let them know you expect them to vote for this package.
Here is an example of what you can say to someone who supports Ukraine:
“Hello, Representative Carey, My name is Joe Smith, and I live in Canal Winchester, Ohio. I wanted to let you know that I support Ukraine, and I appreciate your support in the past for funding Ukraine. There will be a new proposal for a $100 billion aid package to Ukraine soon, and as your constituent, I expect you to vote for the aid package. I would also like you to vote for a Speaker of the House who is committed to support Ukraine. Please do not support anyone who does not support Ukraine. I can be reached at (614) 555-1234. Thank you for your continued support for Ukraine.”
Here is an example of what you can say to someone who does not support Ukraine:
“Hello, Representative Carey, My name is Joe Smith, and I live in Canal Winchester, Ohio. I wanted to let you know that I support Ukraine, and I would appreciate your support for funding Ukraine. There will be a new proposal for a aid package for Ukraine soon, and as your constituent, I expect you to vote for the aid package. I can be reached at (614) 555-1234. Thank you for your continued support for Ukraine.”
Your ONE phone call counts!
Sometimes only 4 or 5 calls can sway a Representative’s vote. We know that the polls say Americans support continued funding to Ukraine. Most Representatives, no matter which party they belong to, support Ukraine. There is a lot of pressure for some Representatives to change their support. Your call will help give them the confidence to continue to vote for Ukraine!