An opportunity to get together and get to know each other better. And enjoy some delicious pierogies and drinks! Please RSVP via our Facebook event.
Join us to learn about Ukrainian folk music with Professor Marianna Klochko and opera singer Stephanie Durant!
В четвер, 23 лютого 2023, о год. 7 вечора в надвечір’я річниці вторгнення рашистких військ в Україну відбудеться Божественна Літургія, українською мовою яку відправить отець Роберт Ягер в наміренні […]
26 February 2023 from 1-3pm at the Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church Learn how to make an intricately decorated egg known as Ukrainian “pysanky” – traditionally created to celebrate Easter or […]
365 днів захищаючи Свободу Photo Gallery from event (thank you Azar Photography!) It’s been a year since Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine: it’s been 365 Days Defending Freedom […]
Bring your apron and learn how to make borshch! Borsch is a soup common in Eastern Europe and Northern Asia. In English, the word “borshch” is most often associated […]
Наші турнікети вже долетіли і скоро багато воїнів будуть мати їх в своїх аптечках. Нехай зберігають життя!
Our tourniquets arrived and will soon find their way into medic kits. May they save many lives!
UCAO has been raising money to purchase and send tourniquets. This is our second parcel to date to arrive in Ukraine, we hope to send many more, including other medical supplies as well. These supplies are not readily available in Ukraine right now, but we are able to source and purchase these supplies here in the US easily.
This exhibit runs throughout April. Visit the Westerville Library to view the UCAO exhibit of beautiful pysanky.
Ukrainians have been targeted by hateful attacks, harassment and disinformation campaign.Please find attached a guide from FBI on how to respond when you are the target of such campaigns and/ […]
Ukraine Analysis #26 12/10/22 By Jeffrey Owens Dedicated to the Ukrainian Cultural Association of Ohio Tears welled up in Eugenia Mazurenko ‘s eyes from her seat in Carnegie Hall on […]